Monday, February 22, 2010

IGDA Wisconsin Animation Panel

While you wait for episode 26 (which is closer to being on your RSS doorstep than you know) here is a little something to tide. Back in September I hosted
a panel at the Wisconsin IGDA meeting with some other animators from Raven. It is based loosely on our episode 23 outline, but being an open discussion with an audience took it down a different path.

OH, and to fit in with our illustrious audio woes, the audio isn't the best. But it all evens out since the vision of my beauty shines through the crackling audio.

The panel starts about 10 minutes into the video


1 comment:

Paul said...

Hi Michael Jungbluth,

Great job on the panel! I enjoyed the viewpoints you and your colleges express in terms of Animation overall. I found all the speakers very informative and there views insightful. There was issue with the audio, however. Please do this again when you can.
