Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What's the Finnish word for "Douchebag"?

I don't know but it's probably in here somewhere. Since we're going to be a week late on Episode 24 (but our guest is going to be awesome), I offer as a consolation prize, a scan from Finland's Pelaaja (translation: "Player") magazine article on expats working in Finland's games industry, including yours truly eating truly horrible food in the truly horrible cold (this picture was taken in February). The schtick was to get non-Finns posing in traditional Finnish activities. While I'm jealous of the nVida guy who's pic was taken in a cozy pub, I am relieved they didn't insist on getting me naked in the sauna. Somewhere in between was some serious ingestion.

The text is five interview questions. I'd translate but I think it's more fun if the only public record of my answers is in Finnish.


Michael Jungbluth said...

I am sure whatever the actual translation is, in my head it is much dirtier. And erotic.

Ryan D said...

Actually, the text does include a bit about public male nudity but I'll leave it at that...